AquaSafe® Fuels Business Ties: A Forum to Remember!

Pleass Global Limited, the manufacturer of AquaSafe® artesian water, is excited to sponsor an event aimed at enhancing trade and business relations between Australia and Fiji. The initiative seeks to build positive connections among the two nations, their governments, and businesses, ultimately contributing to economic growth for all parties involved.

AquaSafe views its partnership in this event as significant due to its standing as a leading brand in the market. The company aims to provide a sustainable water solution during the event by supplying dispensers and reusable sports bottles for all registrants to fill. Additionally, AquaSafe® is a major sponsor of the Fijian Drua rugby team, and the branded sports bottles will resonate with many attendees who support the team.

Regarding expectations for the forum, organizers anticipate engaging discussions and positive outcomes for local councils and governments, as well as valuable insights from esteemed speakers.

In conclusion, AquaSafe wishes the event organizers and participants a productive and enriching experience.

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