Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Professor Biman Prasad, has officially unveiled the Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service (TSLS) Travel and Bond Clearance Portal along with an AI-integrated 24-hour Chatbot Service. During the launch event, Professor Prasad emphasized the powerful role of artificial intelligence in education, governance, and policymaking.
He stated that AI holds the promise of significantly enhancing various aspects of education, including personalized learning experiences, automatic administrative processes, and better accessibility to education and skill training. The new portal and Chatbot Service symbolize a significant technological advancement for TSLS, aimed at improving efficiency and productivity for the thousands of students served by the program each year.
As the responsibility for Travel and Bond Clearance transitions back to TSLS next year, the need for efficient systems to ensure smooth operations becomes crucial. The AI-powered Chatbot Service is highlighted as an important resource in the digital era, offering instant access to accurate information, thereby allowing students, parents, and educational institutions to make better-informed choices without long waits or travel challenges.
The government remains committed to reforming higher education systems through cooperation with TSLS, investing $151 million annually in scholarships and training programs aimed at fostering a skilled workforce poised for future demands. New initiatives such as the Employer-Based Skills Qualification Scheme and the Specialization Scheme also launched to provide focused training opportunities in fields like Veterinary Science and specialized engineering.
The newly established portal is expected to serve around 70,000 current and former students and will facilitate electronic processing of approvals. With Immigration and Border Control integrated into the system for clearances verification, this move is set to enhance transparency, efficiency, and accountability, marking a transformative change in service delivery for TSLS.
In summary, this launch represents a significant leap forward in educational technology, promising to empower students and stakeholders with instant access to necessary information while streamlining traditional administrative processes. This initiative showcases the government’s dedication to enhancing the educational experience and workforce readiness for the future.
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