Aging Gracefully: Rick Rickman’s Secrets to Longevity and Life at 90

Rick Rickman is reflecting on life as he approaches his 90th birthday, noting that individual character plays a significant role in how one enjoys their senior years. Once passionate about golf, Rickman has transitioned to spending his leisure time on reading, writing, occasional painting, and enjoying a drink, particularly as health concerns have limited his mobility.

Rickman, who previously served as the secretary for the Fiji Golf Association, describes his shift away from golf after experiencing knee issues. Although he engages in acrylic painting, he admits that his work may not align with conventional interpretations, stating, “I paint what I see, probably not what you see in the mirror,” and insists that his mood greatly influences his art.

His journey in the arts began at the London School of Printing and Fine Arts, prior to his enlistment in the Royal Air Force.

In terms of lifestyle, Rickman attributes part of his longevity to his diet. He advocates for a homemade blend of turmeric, ginger, and lemon, which he believes contributes to his health. “Turmeric is magical,” he asserts, explaining that he has been using it along with ginger and soursop leaves for over two decades to help manage cancer risks. He is also conscious of the quality of water he consumes, utilizing a triple filtration system to avoid aluminium toxicity, occasionally adding whiskey for flavor.

When it comes to meat, Rickman is discerning about his choices, preferring high-quality sirloin and properly aging his steaks, which he also vacuum packs. He describes himself as a “carnivorous clown,” proudly sourcing pork and beef from local suppliers.

On the topic of vaccinations, Rickman expresses skepticism towards the COVID-19 vaccine. While he does not consider himself an anti-vaxxer, he voices concerns about potential long-term health effects and argues that a percentage of vaccinated individuals could face serious health issues in the coming years. He notes the loss of friends to what he describes as “turbo cancer,” tying it to vaccine discussions. He emphasizes the human body’s ability to develop its own immunity and suggests that maintaining a healthy diet is key to overall health.

Having contracted COVID-19 himself in 2021 with limited effects, Rickman declined the vaccine, stressing that he is not opposed to all vaccinations but harbors reservations about experimental ones. He is aware of the growing anti-vaccine sentiment and shared experiences from friends involved in the field.

As his 90th birthday approaches, Rickman looks forward to seeing the Fiji National Provident Fund brought before the High Court regarding grievances faced by pensioners, an issue he feels strongly about given his perspective on the previous government’s handling of pension matters.

In his leisure time, Rickman enjoys the natural beauty of Nadarivatu, which he fondly remembers for its unspoiled environment, and he often frequents Vuda Marina for its vibrant atmosphere and affordable dining options.

While reflecting on his drinking preferences, Rickman favors cocoa seasoned with chili and sweetened with honey over traditional beverages, emphasizing the health benefits of these ingredients. Despite his extensive travels, he finds it challenging to select a bucket list destination in Fiji, having already seen many remarkable places during his career.

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