A passenger was taken to Labasa Hospital following an accident where the vehicle they were in went off the road and crashed into a house in Buca, Savusavu, on Sunday. According to Acting Divisional Police Commander North, Superintendent Eroni Soqosoqo, the incident occurred early in the morning and led to the driver and two passengers being transported to Savusavu Subdivisional Hospital for treatment.
Superintendent Soqosoqo reported that both the driver and one passenger received medical attention and were discharged shortly after, while another passenger was referred to Labasa Hospital for more advanced care. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported from the residents of the house that was struck.
Police officers responded promptly to the scene to support the victims and manage the situation.
This incident underscores the importance of driving safely and adhering to road rules, as accidents can happen unexpectedly. It is hopeful to note that, despite the frightening circumstances, the prompt response by medical and police teams ensured that the victims received timely care.
Summary: A vehicle accident in Buca, Savusavu, resulted in one passenger being hospitalized while others received treatment and were discharged. No injuries occurred in the house struck by the vehicle, emphasizing the effectiveness of emergency responses in such situations.
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