Illustration of Home alone | Girl without food and water for days

Abandoned and Alone: The Shocking Ordeal of a Disabled Teen in Fiji

In 1998, a search was launched for the parents of a disabled girl who had been abandoned in their home, according to a report from The Fiji Times on June 8 of that year.

Seventeen-year-old Raijieli Waqavolau was left without food or water when her parents traveled to Suva several weeks prior. By June 7, they had not returned to their residence in Garampani, located 12 kilometers from Tavua. Police planned to go to Suva on June 8 to locate her parents.

Raijieli had only been discovered the week before when a neighbor made a courtesy visit. Social Welfare officials expressed grave concerns about her safety, as her home was situated in an area known for criminal activity. She spent nights alone in complete darkness, unable to walk or stand and forced to crawl around her home.

The closest house was approximately 100 meters away. On June 7, while outside, Raijieli shared her harrowing experience with Social Welfare Officer Kolinio Ulakia. She indicated that neither her parents nor any relatives had visited her. Due to her condition, she was unable to hold a water bottle herself.

Mr. Ulakia reported that community nurses had alerted his office to Raijieli’s situation after being informed by a local resident. After visiting the girl, he confirmed that she had been abandoned and neglected, without any supervision. They managed to locate the key to her house and provided her with food and water. He reached out to her immediate family members, but no one had appeared thus far.

“When I visited her, there was no food or anything for Raijieli to survive on,” Mr. Ulakia noted. He informed that she had not eaten for several days prior to her discovery. Neighbors began bringing her food and water afterward.

“I have submitted my report to the Director of Social Welfare for further action,” he added. “Our primary concern is that, as a female with disabilities, Raijieli’s parents have neglected their duty to care for and protect her over the last three to four weeks. The area is dangerous, with occasional criminal activities.”

The Social Welfare Department was set to assist Raijieli during this time. Litia Matamalumu, Raijieli’s nearest neighbor, stated that her parents had left in May to visit their married daughter without informing anyone about Raijieli.

“They didn’t mention her at all,” Ms. Matamalumu said. She described the lack of electricity in Raijieli’s home and her inability to secure the door at night. “I come here every day to provide her with food and water. I fetch water from my home to bathe her and clean the house.”

Tavua police chief ASP Isimeli Waikelokelo confirmed that a report had been received regarding the situation. “We’ve sent a message to the Nasinu police, and it appears that the girl’s parents are there and plan to come to Tavua later today,” he said. ASP Waikelokelo added that the parents would be questioned by authorities, although he could not confirm whether charges would be filed.

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