Illustration of Naivalurua Challenges Senior Police Officers

A New Era for Fiji’s Policing: Meet the First Minister for Law Enforcement

Newly appointed Minister for Policing, Ioane Naivalurua, recently embarked on his first official visit to the Fiji Police Force headquarters in Nasinu. He was warmly welcomed by senior officers, including Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police, Sakeo Raikaci, who highlighted the historic nature of having a dedicated Minister for Policing for the first time.

During the visit, Naivalurua encouraged police officers to demonstrate their capabilities and effectiveness through tangible actions, urging them to rise above criticisms and instead focus on rebuilding public trust. “It’s too early to predict outcomes, but I’m eager to collaborate further with you to win back the hearts of the people we serve,” he stated, emphasizing the importance of solidifying community relationships through meaningful results.

Naivalurua, who previously served as Police Commissioner, expressed a deep emotional connection to the role, recalling the office he once led. His plans include conducting detailed briefings with police personnel in the coming weeks to better understand the challenges facing the force, especially in light of unresolved investigations that were left by former Minister Pio Tikoduadua.

A cornerstone of Naivalurua’s agenda is the “Restore Blue” program, aimed at enhancing police accountability and operational standards in partnership with international collaborators. This initiative represents a hopeful direction for the Fiji Police Force, focusing on revitalizing its operations and relationships with the community.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka, who appointed Naivalurua, expressed confidence in his ability to address crime and improve law and order in Fiji, highlighting his distinguished background as a military officer and diplomat.

Minister Naivalurua’s proactive engagement and dedication to fostering community relations mark a promising outlook for the future of policing in Fiji. His commitment to operational improvements signals potential for substantial reform that could restore faith in law enforcement and enhance public safety throughout the nation.

In summary, Naivalurua’s inaugural visit underscores a renewed commitment to transforming the Fiji Police Force. By prioritizing collaboration and measurable outcomes, there is optimism for a safer Fiji as the police work to rebuild their connection with the communities they serve.


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