A Mother’s Tears of Joy: Celebrating a Son’s Triumph in Cadet Graduation

An emotional Marica Maramanikaisuva could not hold back her tears upon hearing her eldest son’s name announced as the Baton of Honour recipient during the inaugural cadet passing-out parade at Saint Theresa of Lisieux College on Friday.

Her son, Sakiusa Raiko, a Year 12 student, achieved this honor as part of the college’s first passing-out parade, coinciding with the week-long centennial celebrations of the Saint Teresa of Lisieux parish. Major-General Jone Kalouniwai, the Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, was the chief guest at the event.

“I couldn’t contain my tears when I heard my son’s name called out. Life is challenging, and witnessing this achievement makes every hardship worthwhile—God is great,” shared Ms. Maramanikaisuva, who hails from Lavena, Taveuni.

She explained the struggles her family faces as subsistence farmers, mentioning their determination to support Raiko’s education. “After planting, we must wait four months to sell our produce in the market. Most days, we depend on the Sigatoka River for food and income,” she stated.

Attending school events to connect with her son’s teachers and classmates is a priority for her. She noted the physical challenges they face, stating, “This school is located on the other side of the Sigatoka River, and we have to climb a hill to get there, which is even more difficult when it rains.”

Ms. Maramanikaisuva emphasized the importance of the school, highlighting its commitment to holistic education, as it is set up on the same grounds as the church, making prayer a daily part of the students’ routine. “He is our eldest, and we believe that if he succeeds, his younger siblings will be inspired to follow in his footsteps.”

Raiko, from Nalebaleba, Bemana, shared his determination to stay focused despite the demanding balance between school and cadet training. He acknowledged the challenges he and his fellow cadets faced, stating, “The journey was not easy, but we can now see the results of our hard work.”

He expressed his aspirations to pursue a career in carpentry and joinery after completing high school.

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