A Mother’s Hero: One Boy’s Incredible Fight Against Leukemia

From one medical professional to another, Nazia, the mother of Hazrat Shihaab Ali, sought clarity about her son’s health, but it wasn’t until September 29, 2014, that their lives took a dramatic turn. A pediatrician at Suva Private Hospital, alarmed by Hazrat’s condition, urged them to head to the Children’s Ward at CWM Hospital without delay. This caring doctor even accompanied them to ensure they found the correct location, a gesture of kindness that Nazia will always treasure.

The following day, their worst fears were realized—Hazrat was diagnosed with leukemia, a heartbreaking revelation for the Ali family. The effects of such a diagnosis extend beyond the patient to all those around them. For nearly three years, Hazrat received treatment in the pediatric oncology department at CWM Hospital. During this arduous period, Nazia and her family made considerable sacrifices, halting their social lives to protect Hazrat from infections, avoiding family gatherings, and staying home.

Despite these hardships, Nazia expresses profound gratitude for the care Hazrat received. “The doctors and nurses at CWM Hospital were absolutely wonderful. They provided utmost care throughout almost three years of his treatment,” she recalls, reminiscing about how they celebrated Hazrat’s third birthday with a cake at the hospital.

Not only was the medical team instrumental, but the support from WOWS Kids Fiji, an organization focused on aiding children with cancer and their families, proved to be vital. “WOWS Kids Fiji was a lifeline for us,” Nazia reflects. “Their support, both emotional and practical, was invaluable. They understood what we were going through and were always there when we needed them.”

Throughout his difficult journey, Hazrat has emerged as a symbol of resilience and strength. Despite the pain and lengthy hospital stays, he has retained his smile—a beacon of hope. Nazia found it necessary to leave her job to stay by his side, constantly praying for his recovery and strength. Yet for her, every sacrifice was worthwhile.

Now in Year 7 at Makoi Muslim Primary School, Hazrat continues to exhibit the same bravery that has characterized his fight against cancer. His journey is not just about survival; it represents the indomitable spirit of a young boy who refuses to let illness conquer him. To Nazia and her family, Hazrat is more than just their son; he is a hero and a symbol of hope for all who confront similar challenges.

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