A Mother’s Heartfelt Hope Amidst Leukemia’s Battle

It is a dream for every parent to see their children grow up strong, independent, and resilient in the face of challenges. For Shareen Lata, however, the painful reality is that she may never witness her youngest son develop into that strong and independent man.

Her eight-year-old son, Rishav Lal, has been battling leukemia since he was just two years old. Ms. Lata describes Rishav as a kind and caring boy with a passion for painting. Despite his condition, Rishav is aware that he won’t have much time left with his family, yet he tries to comfort his mother by nudging her and saying, “stop yarr,” which translates to “it’s OK, mum.”

“Rishav was diagnosed with leukemia at two years old, but it has returned,” Ms. Lata explains. “It’s been five years now. When he completed his initial chemotherapy, he was doing well—eating and more energetic. Although he occasionally showed symptoms, the treatments seemed effective.”

Unfortunately, Ms. Lata reports that the cancer has now spread throughout Rishav’s body, and doctors have indicated that chemotherapy will not be able to halt or postpone its progression this time. She adds that no effective treatments are available overseas either. “At this moment, we can only place our faith in God and hope for my child’s recovery,” she says.

Following a recent operation, the results confirmed that the leukemia had indeed spread extensively. “My son doesn’t have much time left. He feels drowsy often and doesn’t eat well; his health is deteriorating slowly.” Despite this, Rishav is still able to talk and spend time with his friends. “I feel helpless, but all I can do is hope,” she shares.

Throughout the last five years, the support from her family and the WOWS Kids Fiji foundation has been invaluable. “WOWS has been incredible. They have assisted us with groceries, school funds, transportation, and medication. Their support for Rishav has been unwavering, and I will always be grateful,” she states. Ms. Lata also acknowledges the support from her family and friends. “I pray every day that I won’t lose my Rishav.”

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