A Mother’s Heartbreaking Hope: One Boy’s Battle with Leukemia

For parents, watching their children grow into strong and independent individuals is a cherished dream. However, for Shareen Lata, the emotional challenge of raising her children is compounded by the realization that she may not witness her youngest son become that resilient adult.

Eight-year-old Rishav Lal has been battling leukemia since he was diagnosed at the tender age of two. Despite his condition, Ms. Lata describes her son as kind-hearted and passionate about painting. Rishav, aware of the gravity of his situation, often comforts his mother by nudging her arm and reassuring her with a gentle, “stop yarr,” signaling that it’s okay not to be upset.

“After his leukemia diagnosis at two, things appeared hopeful for a while, but it has unfortunately returned,” Ms. Lata shared. “It has been five years since we began this fight. During his first round of chemotherapy, he seemed to be improving, gaining weight and energy.”

Though Rishav showed intermittent symptoms, his treatment had initially been effective. Unfortunately, his cancer has spread throughout his body, and doctors have advised that chemotherapy will no longer be effective. “There are no other treatment options available abroad as well,” she added. “For now, I can only pray and place my trust in God for Rishav’s recovery.”

Recently, Rishav underwent surgery, and results confirmed that the leukemia has indeed advanced significantly. “He feels drowsy most of the time and eats very little,” Ms. Lata remarked. “While his health is declining, he still manages to converse and spend time with his friends.”

Feeling overwhelmed and powerless, Ms. Lata has found significant support from her family and the WOWS Kids Fiji foundation throughout the past five years. “WOWS has been extraordinary,” she noted. “They have provided us with groceries, financial assistance for school, transportation, and medication. Their support for Rishav over these years has been invaluable, and I am eternally grateful.”

Additionally, Ms. Lata expressed appreciation for the encouragement from her family and close friends. “Everyone has been supportive, and I pray every day that I don’t lose my Rishav.”

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