A Mother’s Heartbreak: One Boy’s Brave Battle Against Leukemia

It is a parental wish to see their children grow up to be strong, independent individuals capable of handling life’s challenges. For Shareen Lata, however, one of the hardest aspects of parenting is reconciling the reality that she may not witness her youngest son becoming that resilient man.

Eight-year-old Rishav Lal has been battling leukemia since he was just two years old. Ms. Lata describes her son as kind-hearted, caring, and an aspiring artist with a passion for painting. Despite being aware that his time with his family may be limited, Rishav often reassures his mother with a gentle nudge and the words, “stop yarr,” signaling that it’s alright and she shouldn’t cry about his illness.

“Rishav was diagnosed with leukemia at two years old, but the illness has returned,” Ms. Lata shared. “It has been five years since his diagnosis. Initially, after his first round of chemotherapy, he seemed to be doing well—eating properly and showing more energy. Occasionally, he would exhibit symptoms, but treatment appeared effective.”

Unfortunately, the cancer has now spread throughout his body, and doctors have indicated that chemotherapy will no longer be able to halt or delay its progression. There is also no available treatment abroad. “At this point, we can only put our faith in God and hope for a miracle,” she added.

Just three weeks ago, Rishav underwent surgery, and the results confirmed that the leukemia has significantly advanced. “He doesn’t have much time left with us. He feels fatigued often and has a reduced appetite, although he can still converse well and enjoys spending time with friends,” Ms. Lata expressed with deep sorrow. “I feel powerless, but all I can do is hope.”

Over the past five years, the support from her family and the WOWS Kids Fiji foundation has been invaluable. “WOWS has been incredible. They have assisted us with groceries, financial aid for school, transportation, and medication. Their ongoing support for Rishav means the world to me, and I am forever grateful,” she stated, also acknowledging her family’s unwavering support.

“Every day, I pray to God that I don’t have to face losing my Rishav,” she concluded.

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