A Mother’s Gratitude: A Journey from Despair to Hope

Maria Sauvou expresses deep gratitude to the Sai Prema Foundation hospital, which has played a crucial role in her daughter’s recovery from Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD). Her 16-year-old daughter, Ulamila Naivalu, was diagnosed with RHD at just one year old.

Reflecting on their long journey, Ms. Sauvou remarked, “It has been 15 long and difficult years for us. I am so grateful that on Thursday she had a successful operation.” She described the experience as a relief, stating, “It was like a heavy burden was off-loaded from my back. My daughter can live freely now.” With the surgery completed, she noted there would be “no more worries, no more sleepless nights, no more pain, no more injections.”

Throughout the years, Ms. Sauvou committed to creating a supportive environment for her daughter, offering encouraging words during tough times. She recounted moments when Ulamila displayed signs of her heart weakening, prompting urgent trips to the hospital for injections. “It was really a hard time for us, especially for her,” she shared. “But with the support of our family and never-ending prayers, Ulamila continued to hang on despite the hard yards.”

Ms. Sauvou searched for surgical options for many years, realizing it would be their only hope. Ulamila was eventually treated at the Sai Prema Children Hospital. “When I first learned that she had RHD, I thought the world had failed me,” Ms. Sauvou recalled. “I was heavy-hearted and emotional knowing that she was still young. I lost all hope, but then Sai Prema Children Hospital came into the picture.”

She expressed her sincere appreciation for the hospital’s role in treating children with this condition, describing it as a “miracle.” Ms. Sauvou encourages other parents not to hesitate in seeking medical check-ups for their children. “We are not well off. God answers prayers. He directed us to the Sai Prema Foundation hospital,” she stated, praising the staff and medical team for their support and care that made Ulamila feel at home in a comforting setting.

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