A Journey from Struggles to Statesmanship: Harish Sharma’s Remarkable Memoir

Throughout history, many Fijians have aspired to impact their nation by stepping into the country’s political arena. However, political strife, notably exacerbated by three coups, has been a significant aspect of governance in Fiji. Despite these challenges, Fiji has seen the rise of remarkable political leaders over the years.

One such leader is Harish Sharma, a lawyer who transitioned into a political career. He became the leader of the National Federation Party (NFP) and served as the Opposition Leader. After the 1987 general elections, he held the position of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Housing, Urban Development, and Information.

Now at the age of 92, Mr. Sharma remains one of the last surviving politicians from his time. To share his experiences, he has written a memoir alongside close friends and family, including the late Vijendra Kumar, the first local editor of The Fiji Times. The memoir, titled “Road to Parliament: A Glimpse into the Life of Hon. Harish C. Sharma,” chronicles his distinguished career.

During the memoir’s launch at Jai Narayan College in Suva last Thursday, NFP leader Professor Biman Prasad emphasized that each descendant of the girmitiya has a unique story about their struggles and achievements. This sentiment extends to all communities in Fiji, including the indigenous people, Indo-Fijians, Europeans, Rotumans, Melanesians, and Chinese.

Mr. Sharma noted a common misconception that he was born into privilege, which is far from the truth. His narrative begins similarly to many Indo-Fijians, tracing back to the arrival of his ancestors from India under the indentured labor system.

In his memoir, Mr. Sharma shares that both sides of his family were brought to Fiji to work on sugarcane plantations. His paternal great-grandparents, Tulsi Ram and Parbati, hailed from Chandpur in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh. His grandfather, Jamuna Prasad, was born on the Hereford ship while it was anchored in Fiji waters in April 1888.

Although his great-grandparents returned to India, his grandfather settled back in Fiji with his wife and young son, Pratap Chandra Sharma, who later became Mr. Sharma’s father. The family arrived in Fiji in July 1912 and worked as indentured laborers in Sawani, Rewa. By 1918, they became free residents and chose to make Sawani their home.

After his grandmother’s passing, Mr. Sharma’s grandfather and father played crucial roles in maintaining the family unit. Mr. Sharma recounts in his memoir how his grandfather, a priest, made significant sacrifices to educate his children despite their financial constraints.

His account sheds light on the struggles and resilience of his family, all of whom were raised with a strong foundation in Hindu religion, literature, and culture. Under his grandfather’s guidance, Mr. Sharma’s father, Pita Ji, became a self-reliant individual, excelling in the Hindi language through hard work and dedication.

On his maternal side, his grandparents Gayadin Maharaj and Gangajali Maharaj came from Basti, India. They had five children, including Mr. Sharma’s mother, Balraji (Bachhi). Mr. Sharma was born in May 1932, shortly after his parents’ marriage, but unfortunately lost his mother when he was just a year old.

Expressing the pain of never knowing his mother, Mr. Sharma shared how his maternal grandparents took on the responsibility of raising him after her death. Following this, his father remarried Phul Mati, who nurtured him with the same love she offered her biological children.

Despite the lack of formal education, Mr. Sharma found happiness and comfort in his upbringing, surrounded by the care of his maternal family.

Next week, readers can look forward to learning about Mr. Sharma’s educational journey and his entry into politics.

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