A Dose of Wisdom: Aging Gracefully with a Dash of Turmeric

Rick Rickman, as he approaches his 90th birthday, reflects on how individual character plays a significant role in life at this age. Once an avid golfer, Rickman has shifted his focus to reading, writing, painting, and enjoying a drink in his leisure time after his knee issues made golf challenging.

The former secretary of the Fiji Golf Association and chairman of Fiji Airports finds creative expression through acrylic painting, although he cautions that his artwork may not always look as others perceive it. “I paint what I see, probably not what you see in the mirror,” he shares, noting that his artistic output varies with his mood.

Rickman, who attended the London School of Printing and Fine Arts before serving in the Royal Air Force, attributes his longevity to his diet, particularly a combination of turmeric, ginger, and soursop leaves, which he insists helps maintain good health and keep cancer at bay. He also emphasizes the importance of clean drinking water, utilizing three water pump filters and occasionally enhancing it with whiskey.

Meticulous about his meat choices, Rickman prefers purchasing a whole sirloin to age his steak for tenderness, with local suppliers for pork and beef. Despite his good-natured humor about being a “carnivorous clown,” he expresses commitment to his dietary preferences.

On the topic of the COVID-19 vaccine, Rickman voices strong concerns, referencing the potential long-term health impacts he believes the shots may cause. He posits that a significant percentage of vaccinated individuals will face serious health issues in the coming years—claims he attributes to what he terms “turbo cancer.” While he identifies himself as not being anti-vaccine, he expresses dissatisfaction with the current health measures surrounding vaccinations and indicates he would not take an experimental vaccine, having contracted COVID-19 before the vaccines were available.

Looking forward to his milestone birthday in November, Rickman hopes to see the Fiji National Provident Fund taken to the High Court regarding past actions against pensioners, emphasizing the injustices faced under previous administrations. He desires to witness redress for those affected.

When asked about his favorite places in Fiji, Rickman reminisces about Nadarivatu’s unspoiled beauty and shares his enjoyment of Vuda Marina for its ambiance and dining options. He reveals a unique preference for cocoa seasoned with chili at home, eschewing coffee and tea.

As he approaches this new decade, Rickman remains active, engaging in daily tasks like laundry, while also reflecting on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to social justice issues in Fiji.

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