A Dietitian’s Quest: Can She Crown Food Security in Fiji?

Vika Vataniyaragi Tadu Varuru, a 25-year-old contestant, is striving to win the Miss Vodafone Festival of the Friendly North title with the goal of promoting food security in Fiji for sustainable livelihoods. Sponsored by the Northern Civil Service, Varuru, who works as a dietitian at the Labasa Health Centre, is one of nine contestants participating in this week’s festival at Subrail Park in Labasa.

Originally from Nasinu Village in Navatu, Cakaudrove, Varuru also has maternal ties to Yavea in Vanuabalavu, Lau. She expressed that while she has conducted health talks and awareness programs in schools and communities, addressing a larger audience on stage will present a new challenge.

Varuru is passionate about raising awareness regarding food security and its impact on communities. She noted that many individuals in Fiji, particularly in the North, face food insecurity due to various factors. She pointed out challenges such as limited access to safe, nutritious food, financial constraints, market price fluctuations, and the repercussions of climate change on agriculture, which often leads to a preference for quantity over quality in food choices.

To combat food insecurity, Varuru advocates for sustainable agriculture practices that begin at home, such as establishing backyard gardens, growing personal food supplies, and prioritizing locally sourced products. She has a twin sister and a younger brother, with her mother teaching at Wairiki Kindergarten in Labasa and her father employed at the Water Authority of Fiji.

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