A Call to Action: Protecting Our Children from Abuse

The Assistant Minister for Women, Children and Social Protection, Sashi Kiran, has highlighted alarming statistics indicating that five out of six children in the community experience abuse. During her end-of-week statement in Parliament on Friday, she emphasized the need for the nation to enhance its efforts in safeguarding children.

Ms. Kiran pointed out that numerous studies suggest that many children who suffer abuse are likely to become abusers themselves. She cited a recent case involving a 13-year-old accused who was raped at the age of six by her grandfather, who is currently serving time in prison.

She warned that if abused children are not given proper rehabilitation and support, they risk becoming abusers, contributing to the already high levels of abuse within the community. Ms. Kiran lamented that while offenders may be given a second chance, the innocent children who endure abuse lose their innocence and suffer lifelong trauma.

“The most significant challenges arise in counseling and rehabilitating infants who undergo such traumatic events at the hands of those who are supposed to protect them. Unfortunately, society, families, and community members often blame the victims for the crimes committed against them, leading to their ostracization rather than offering them compassion, empathy, and a nurturing environment for healing,” she stated.

She stressed that every abused child carries lasting trauma and expressed a collective responsibility to address these issues and establish protective measures.

“We must seek assistance from within our community. I have been collaborating with various stakeholders to raise awareness and develop protection programs. I urge all interested individuals, community organizations, and agencies to get involved in seeking comprehensive, community-based solutions to protect our children and reduce instances of child sexual abuse.”

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