A Budget for the People: Transforming Fiji’s Future

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka announced that the Coalition Government has introduced a “People’s Budget” for the 2024/2025 fiscal year, highlighting numerous benefits and concessions for the citizens of Fiji.

In his address regarding the budget, Rabuka mentioned the widespread demand for a budget that prioritizes the people. He stated that every aspect of the new budget is dedicated to overall welfare, family betterment, service improvement, poverty alleviation, prosperity opportunities, environmental protection, and tackling challenges.

Rabuka acknowledged that while some of the language used in the budget may be complex and the statistics difficult to interpret, the core objective is to enhance the quality of life in Fiji, aiming to achieve greater happiness and prosperity for all.

“The Government’s role is to establish the foundation for citizens to construct a healthy, happy, and prosperous life,” Rabuka emphasized. He referenced an old saying, “You can take horses to the water, but you cannot make them drink.”

He recalled an instance when a village in Nadroga requested the Alliance Government’s help with farming tools to transition from sugarcane to food crops. The late Dr. Kuruisaqila, while presenting the tools, reminded the villagers not to depend on the Prime Minister or the Tui Nayau to do their farming for them.

Rabuka outlined several aspects of the national budget aimed at reducing public costs. He noted that the raw figures often obscure the broader human impact. For example, the electricity subsidies initiative, with a budget of $10 million, benefits 55,000 households, translating to approximately $181.80 per household. The free water project will aid around 40,000 households, delivering assistance to numerous individuals.

The significant increase in the Social Welfare budget to $200 million last year continues in the new budget, providing relief to about 100,000 people. Rabuka highlighted several other financial support measures designed to ease daily living for those in need.

He also discussed the new National Development Plan (NDP), describing it as the “People’s Plan” which will guide Fiji’s development over the next five years. This plan, he said, will complement future budgets and was formulated with input from approximately 20,000 citizens during consultations.

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