A 90-Year Journey: Secrets to Longevity from an Eccentric Maestro

Rick Rickman, who is approaching his 90th birthday, reflects on how individual character significantly influences one’s quality of life at this age. Previously an avid golfer, he has shifted his focus to reading, writing, occasional painting, and enjoying drinks since a knee injury sidelined his golfing passion.

“Golf used to be my passion,” remarked Rickman, who once served as the secretary for the Fiji Golf Association. His painting, primarily in acrylics, is influenced by his moods, stating, “I paint what I see, probably not what you see in the mirror.” With a background that includes attending the London School of Printing and Fine Arts, Rickman’s creative pursuits have taken on new forms.

In discussing his longevity, Rickman humorously attributes his well-being to a diet rich in protein and wine, alongside a homemade mixture of turmeric, ginger, and lemon. “Turmeric is magical,” he insists, revealing that he has used this concoction for over two decades to help manage his health. He is cautious about water quality, employing multiple filters at home, and occasionally enhances his water with Irish whisky or Scotch for good measure.

Rickman is discerning about his meat purchases, often buying a whole sirloin to age at home, and regularly enjoys high-quality pork and beef.

On a more controversial note, he expresses skepticism about the COVID-19 vaccination, suggesting that a significant percentage of vaccinated individuals may face severe health issues like myocarditis or blood clots in the coming years. Rickman has lost friends he believes succumbed to what he refers to as “turbo cancer,” a term associated with conspiracy theories surrounding vaccine side effects. Despite having contracted COVID-19 himself in 2021, he has never taken the vaccine, although he acknowledges having received vaccinations during his service in the Royal Air Force.

As he nears his 90th year, he hopes for legal action against the Fiji National Provident Fund regarding pensioners’ rights, highlighting concerns over past government actions that have negatively affected many seniors.

In terms of leisure activities, Rickman enjoys trips to Nadarivatu for its unspoiled environment and frequently visits Vuda Marina for affordable dining. He has a fondness for cocoa spiced with chili and sweetened with honey, rejecting traditional coffee and tea for his preferred drink at home.

With his extensive travel history and experience with the Hotel Licensing Board, Rickman finds it challenging to identify a new destination in Fiji he hasn’t already explored.

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